
Preços dos intens do Mark




Bag Of Pollem -40dl
 Band Aid - 50 cents
 Bird Beak - 30dl
Bitten Apple - 6,50dl
Bottle of Poison - 50 cents

Bug Gosme - 50 cents
Comb - 100dl
Dark Gem - 50 cents
Dragon Scale - 50 cents
Dragon Tooth -610dl
Earth Ball - 50 cents
Electric Box - 20dl
Enchanted Gem - 50 cents
Essence of Fire - 50 cents
Fur - 13dl
Future Orb - 15,50dl
Feather - 7,50dl
Ghost Essence - 50 cents
Horn - 25dl
Ice Orb - 32,50dl
Leaves - 8,50dl
Magikarp Fin - 1dl
Nail - 10dl
Piece of Steel -50 cents
Pot of Lava -18dl
Pot of Moss Bug - 7,50dl
Rubber Ball - 50 cents
Ruby - 100dl
Sandbag - 15DL
Screw - 50 cents
Seed - 50 cents
Small Stone - 50 cents
Snowball - 50 cents
Stone Orb - 16,50dl
Straw - 50 cents
Tooth - 8dl
Water Gem - 50 cents
Water Pendant - 10dl


Medicine - 10DL
Revive - 250DL
Pokeball - 5DL
Greatball - 20DL
Superball - 50DL
Ultraball - 130DL
Pokebag - 10DL
Greatbag - 100DL
Superbag - 500DL
Ultrabag - 1K
Small Potion - 5DL
Great Potion - 10DL
Ultra Potion - 22DL
Hyper Potion - 55DL
Ultimate Potion - 135DL

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